Thursday, March 6, 2014

This is the Gym 1 of La Salle Zobel. You can find here the basketball court and volleyball court. From this area you can easily get to other locations like the swimming pool and football field

The image above shows the St. La Salle building, it is where most students do their studies. This is epicenter of activity for Zobel where meetings and assemblies are usually held and not only lessons are learned but also where we can find new opportunities and activities.
             Hello! This is the La Salle Zobel Advocates blog. Our blog informs others about De La Salle Santiago Zobel School. De La Salle Santiago Zobel School is a highly esteemed university, filled with intelligent and creative students. The school was founded by the great saint John Baptist De La Salle, which is why our catholic heritage and culture is embodied until this day.

              From De La Salle Santiago Zobel we here many things about art and music because of our creative and diverse students. In this school we can find many areas of interest such as the sports pavillion, gyms and auditoriums, where we can find certain activities to be held. It may also be a point of interest to see where the students gather for other activities like the basketball courts, library, canteen and swimming pool. We also cannot forget the brilliant and creative minds from the band, Jammers, Chorale and art departments where they reside in their buildings.
              In this school we are able to find many marvelous things as we explore around the campus and discover what marvelous thing pops up next. Here at La Salle Zobel Advocates blog we inform and give you a inside view about this campus. From the important areas inside the campus to the juicy news about their activities.